Internationalization of companies and business processes

Corporate change in our modern, global environment is frequently embedded in an international context. Internationalization includes not only the expansion but also the shifting and repositioning of business processes. In a current research project, we investigate the link between investments and divestment of companies.

In another project, members of the Jackstädt Center are working on the effects of terrorist attacks on the export performance of companies in developing countries. In 2018, we conducted three surveys in Germany and Pakistan that provided further insights into how companies deal with the threat of terrorism. We are currently working on papers using this new data source. Over the last years, we presented these working papers at international conferences, such as the annual meetings of the Academy of International Business, the Academy of Management and European International Business Academy. We are continuing to develop the papers further for submission to international journals.

Selected Publications and Work in Progress:

Malik, F. S. (2021). Terrorism, Corporate Performance and Business Strategies: Presence, Impact, and Future (Dissertation, Universität Wuppertal).

Procher, V. D., & Engel, D. (2018). The investment-divestment relationship: Resource shifts and intersubsidiary competition within MNEs. International Business Review, 27(3), 528–542.

Gargalianou, V., Urbig, D., & Van Witteloostuijn, A. (2017). Cooperating or competing in three languages: Cultural accommodation or alienation? Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 24(1), 167-191.

Malik, F. S. (2019). Exploring the Effects of Terrorism on Business Operations Firms in Pakistan and Firms’ Response. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1), 19620.