Economics and Management of Innovation (Research Seminar, Master)

This empirical research seminar gives an overview of current topics in innovation economics and innovation management. Innovation processes are considered on different levels of analysis. The topics of the seminar deal on the one hand with innovation processes in companies. The focus is on employees and the organization of the company. On the other hand, the national and supranational level will be considered. The topics deal with institutional framework conditions and their effects on the innovative capacity of countries and regions.


The seminar will contain:


  • Literature research in a predefined research area
  • Selection and application of theoretical models
  • Formulation of research questions and hypotheses
  • Independent but guided empirical research
  • Data preparation and analysis with STATA
  • Academic writing
  • Presentation and discussion of research results



During the introductory meeting on April 14th, 2021, I will introduce the 2 main theme of this year’s seminar (innovation systems and social innovation), present the topics for seminar papers and will give an overview on relevant data sets. The introductory meeting will also cover a repetition of the basic topics of academic writing. The introductory meeting provide sufficient time to clarify question on the seminar. After the introductory meeting participants choose the topic of their seminar paper, by sending two preferences to me. Participants will work on the topics in groups (2-3 team members). Due date for submitting topic preferences is April 16th, 2021. I will publish the topic allocation and team composition in Moodle on April 19th, 2021.
The session on April 21st, 2021 will cover the structure of empirical papers in detail. We will analyze in detail which function each section of an empirical paper has and will especially focus on the structure of the introduction. This session supports students in structuring their first deliverable (an extended abstract) and in writing their seminar paper later on.
The due date for the extended abstract and the presentation slides is May 17th, 2021. The presentation will take place on May 19th, 2021 and shall be no longer than 15 min (after the presentation 15 min will be reserved for questions and comments). It shall cover the theoretical foundation of the seminar paper, the planned empirical strategy, and a work schedule.
The two STATA tutorials on June 2nd and June 9th, 2021 prepare students for their data analysis. I will introduce the software, the syntax and we will prepare and analyze training data sets. For the STATA tutorial no prior knowledge on using statistical software is required. Knowledge on quantitative methods at an intermediate level is expected.
The second presentation session shall focus on the results of the empirical analysis. The due date for submitting the presentation slides is July 5th, 2021. The presentation shall cover the theoretical foundations of the seminar papers very briefly, shall describe the empirical design and the data, shall summarize the (preliminary) main findings, and give an outlook on further steps. The presentation will take place on July 7th, 2021 and shall be no longer than 15 min (after the presentation 15 min will be reserved for questions and comments).
The due date for the seminar paper is September 14th, 2020. Please submit your paper electronically as PDF documents. All deliverables shall be submitted on the respective dates until 11:59 am.

Link to Moodle

All future announcements will be made via Moodle. All admitted participants are kindly requested to register for the Moodle course.

The Moodle course will be online on April 1st, 2021.


Seminar places are limited. Please register in StudiLöwe until March 26th, 2021 (Course ID: WIR025101).

Remaining places will be allocated by the lecturer. Please write an e-mail to the lecturer until April 8th, 2021, latest.




The seminar will be taught in English.


Overview (Preliminary Schedule)

April 14th, 2021: Introductory meeting
April 16th, 2021: Due date topic preferences
April 19th, 2021: Topic allocation and team composition available
April 21th, 2021: Academic writing and paper analysis
May 17th, 2021: Due date extended abstract and presentation slides
May 19th, 2021: Presentation session (Theory)
June 2nd, 2021: STATA tutorial
June 9th, 2021: STATA tutorial
July 5th, 2021: Due date presentation slides on empirical analysis
July 7th, 2021: Presentation session (Empirical analysis)
September 6th, 2021: Due date seminar paper.


The seminar can be credited in the following modules

  • MWiWi 6.1.4 - Master-Seminar Innovations- und Technologiemanagement (Witt)
  • MWiWi 6.1.8 - Master-Seminar Personalmanagement (Fallgatter)
  • MWiWi 6.1.14 - Master-Seminar Energie- und Projektmanagement (Witt)
  • MWiWi 6.2.4 - Master-Seminar Entrepreneurship und Wirtschaftsentwicklung (Volkmann)
  • MWiWi 6.2.6 - Master-Seminar Economics of Innovation (Bönte)
  • MWiWi 6.2.7 - Master-Seminar Infrastruktur und Wirtschaftsentwicklung (Volkmann)
  • MWiWi 6.2.10 - Master-Seminar Ökonomischer und Institutioneller Wandel (Frambach)
  • MWiWi 6.WiIng - Seminar Wirtschaftswissenschaft



Christian Rupietta
