Mr Philipp Pasing


Philipp Pasing, born in 1994, studied Business Administration (B. Sc.) at the Hochschule Bonn Rhein Sieg - University of Applied Sciences. After completing a voluntary internship at Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn, he absolved a Master's degree in Entrepreneurship and SME Management (M.Sc.) at the University of Siegen.

In addition to his studies, he gained work and research experience as a research assistant at the Institute for SME Research Bonn. Following his master's degree, Philipp Pasing worked as a research assistant at the University of Siegen. Since December 2021, Philipp Pasing has been a doctoral fellow of the Dorothee Hannesschläger Stiftungsfond at the Jackstädt Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research.

Main research areas

  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship


  • Hoffmann, M., Schröder, C. & Pasing, P. (2021): Digitale B2B-Plattformen Status quo und Perspektiven in Deutschland. 

  • Brink, S., Löher, J., Icks, A, Pasing, P. & Haase, I. (2020): Unternehmensübergreifende Innovationen im Wandel: Eine Chance für mittelständische Untenehmen?, IfM Bonn: IfM-Materialien Nr. 277, Bonn.

  • Kranzusch, P., Icks, A., Levering, B., & Pasing, P. (2019): Herausforderungen für den Mittelstand - Update der Unternehmersicht 2019.

  • Bijedic, T., Paschke, M., Pasing, P. & Schröder, C. (2018): Digitalisierungskompetenzen in der Führungsebene im Mittelstand.